Begin by inviting a friend over. Hopefully it's someone like Bruce who has installed a door before and who understands parallelograms. P1 -dry fit the door. Since some things are never easy, we found the rough opening size we'd been given was an inch and a half too wide (at least it wasn't too narrow). After that was corrected and the bottom weathersealed once again, the sill plate is caulked, P2, with the prescribed really sticky stuff.
P3 - lift the door into place and spend the next hour trying to get it plumb and level and the door opening and closing correctly. Take a break for lunch. Resume shimming and adjusting screws and recalling everything you ever knew about parallelograms until everything works just perfectly. P4 - the twins point to their completed very successful handiwork. P5 - Bertha & Gus have now inspected it and think it should come out. They liked being able to go in and out at will. For that matter they think the windows should come out as well. P6 - Question - to nap or fill the dumpster? It wasn't raining so the dumpster won. (Still up in the air is question is whether we are in fact better for having opted for the dumpster.) Gone is the big pile of stuff you saw a couple of days ago. Also cleared out is the shed behind and the garage. It's amazing how much garbage one little project can create. Now to get rid the dumpster so naps can be reinstated.
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