Thursday, August 16, 2012

Will they never learn?

Don, Charlie & Gil dropped by today just to say hello.  Sure enough, before they'd barely had time to have a cup of coffee, John was showing them his "little project".  The task was to get the additional length of piping for the solar hot water through the plastic sleeve to protect it when it's buried.

At 3 in the morning a little angel had whispered in John's ear to use his shop vacuum to "suck" a lightweight line through the tubing.  It was barely light and John was out giving it a try.  It worked!  He used the light line to pull through a heavy duty line that he hooked to the piping.  The "boys" happened to show up at just the right time (for us or should I say me) and before long Charlie & Gil, with appropriate supervision from Don, had made short work of the task.


  1. Nothing that long can be called a short task!

  2. What a great idea Uncle John came up with, so neat that it worked too! Bravo!
