Sunday, October 7, 2012

Where have they been?!

Where have they been?
a) Marooned...
b) Just old & tired...
c) Distracted...
d) Unsetting sail...
e) All of the above...

You're right!
a) We were/are marooned at least until Wednesday when the phone company is scheduled to fix/restore our internet line.  Does that mean we get a week's credit on our bill?  Wishful thinking.
b) Oh so true.
c) There were potatoes that needed digging and laundry that needed doing and and and...
d) Columbus weekend is the time to put the boat to bed for the winter.  Sailing in 40-50 degree weather may be bracing but...

Back at the homestead the siding nailer finally arrived and in between showers we've at last started putting siding up.  The upstairs window was taken out (P1), painted, and put back (P2).  And the end wall of the upstairs bedroom has been primed and is awaiting further "messin' with".

It looks like it will be Wed. or Thursday before you'll see more.  From the windy shores of our little island, over and out...

1 comment:

  1. Some of us out west would love to see some fall pictures as the siding goes up!
    Night nights Tillie 2(?)!
