Thursday, April 10, 2014

How many men does it take?

The grandmother of our new homeowner bought her a beautiful black enameled cast iron sink for the kitchen. The one thing is it took two strong men or five old guys to wrest it in place. (The grandfather bought us all lunch today. We thought it was a pretty good deal.)
While the task list seems to be getting shorter, the appliances have caused problems this year. A late delivery (they didn't arrive until last night). This morning in the unpacking they found the dryer severely dinted so it has to be returned and the dishwasher was white instead of the all black (and, no, it didn't mean simply turning the front panel over). Both have to wait for replacements. Otherwise, there's a bit more work in the kitchen and some general cleaning and it's ready to go on the inside. 
 Outside, the porch posts are done and the sidewalks poured. The crew on the left have started work on the gutters. And there's some landscaping (if that's what you call working on this dry red Texas dirt in the wind).

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