Yes. It's true. John & John have left Judi & I to our own devices while they went off to take the BMW factory tour. So of course we went shopping. The food in the markets looks terrific - fresh mushrooms and lots of white asparagus and strawberries. Even truffles if you're willing to spend at least $20 for a small one. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) food is just not a "take home" option for a tourist so Judi & I settled for a great little lunch at a sidewalk cafe.
And I know some of you have been wondering where those clothesline photos are that I've done for past blogs. The one below I just took out our hotel window of a balcony across from us. (And no, Susan, those aren't painted clothespins. They're plastic. Yikes!)
Go back! That's a real deal on truffles!! Cheaper than Fairway!