Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Into the prairie...

You may think that because we were in International Falls and only a half mile from the border, that we would go directly into Canada. But... We weren't quite done with what northern Minnesota had to offer. First stop, Baudette, Walleye Capital of the world and home to Willie, the largest, I suspect, fake walleye in the world. (Joe - you might want to give up on Montana & Wyoming and come a bit further east to fish instead.)

If that isn't enough to excite you, the next stop was Warroad. Home construction or reconstruction folks take note. This is where Marvin windows and doors are made especially for you. We did take time to go through their beautiful new museum but not their huge home store. The prairie was calling and even JG couldn't justify spending more time here.

On the road again. And on. And on. And on. Long naps were possible without missing a change in scenery. A bit more interesting than the lower plains but not much. More canola & wheat fields but otherwise... The big event in the back seat was, after only a year and a half of owning the vehicle, Judy discovered a nifty little clip built in that keeps you from being strangled by the seat belt. Judy & I had thought our necks would be permanently marked by the time we got back. She kindly agreed to "model" the new feature before she resumed napping.
And finally Moose Jaw! We read it has the world's largest fake moose but we have yet to find it. Tomorrow is another day.
Trivia... What province and time zone is Moose Jaw in? Extra points if you discover who used to hang out here.


  1. I'll take a shot at your trivia questions!!! Moose Jaw is in Saskatchewan and is in the Central time zone. As far as someone who used to hang out there, the list appears to be endless. Just for fun, I'll suggest Brent Everett, award winning gay porn actor and ardent Multi-Plex supporter

    1. Right and right. I'm not sure about Everett. The guidebooks only mention Al Capoon.
