Friday, September 15, 2017

On to Reykjavik

Debby inquired about hitchhikers of which we've seen lots. The guide books tell us that, as opposed to the 60s, these fellow travelers expect to contribute toward the price of gas. But, with John at the wheel, is it any wonder we've continued to travel solo?
Our first stop in Reykjavik was the botanical garden. I thought we had a big rhubarb patch, which we do, but it's also oh so dull by comparison. All these plants are different varieties of rhubarb. I've definitely got to use more imagination. PS - did I mention Icelanders love rhubarb jam with their lamb (that's jam with cooked lamb for dinner, not jam at dinner with a lamb).
Also, if you thought I was a neat nick gardener, check this out...
Another for Joe... We're thinking this is Navy, Iceland style. The restaurant/bar is in the old harbor where this ship is docked. Gives a whole new meaning to "man overboard"!


  1. I can't wait to see what Icelandic additions and edits you'll make to your gardens upon your return!

  2. I'm sure John can rig up a hot spring too.
