Saturday, February 26, 2011

Spring daffodils...

Alice, my mother, says hi to all, especially those of you battling the spring snows up north. The first of her daffodils are in bloom here in Texas and the days are warm (the shirt is more for protection from the sun than for warmth). Lest you feel jealous, just remember she'll be inside hiding from the heat most of the summer when it's our turn to be outside enjoying our gardens.

The garden centers have signs up promoting sales of "Onions & Taters" (I bet you thought tater tots came from potatoes...)


  1. Hellebores are burgeoning here in Brooklyn - looks as if they've been around for a while but were covered in a deep-piled white blanket.

  2. Stopped by Blaine's for eggs and noted 3 inch high daffodil greens and buds! Rain tomorrow, mud to follow....Spring! Whoopee!
