Thursday, March 10, 2011

As simple as 1, 2, 3

A heavy cedar beam and a few aging but good men and heave ho and the 3 header beams are in place for the porch. Hopefully the rest of the porch roof will go up quickly tomorrow. In case you were wondering it did not take ALL those guys all day to do this. Most of them were called in for the final lifting. You might also note Donna in the bottom photo supervising the whole thing, using her brain rather than her brawn.

Yesterday we thought most of the metal roof would be on by the end of today but the best laid plans... The roofing has yet to arrive so the crew worked on other tasks or took a break to learn something new like you see in the photos below.

That's Keith, our site supervisor and sometimes entertainer. In this case he was demonstrating that balancing 12 nails on the head of one is as simple as 1, 2, 3. The only mistake he made is that he didn't bet us a beer that he could do it!

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