Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Good news & bad news...

The good news re: our floor staining project is that it can be salvaged.  The bad news is that basically we have to start over again.  According to Rob... "the concrete needed a bit more scrubbing before the stain application to remove the excess efflorescence. "   So we ordered more stain and this time will rent a floor scrubber to remove the dreaded efflorescence.

In the meantime...  I primed and painted a zillion feet of wainscoting that will go in the sun room.  Learned long ago that if you don't paint it before you put it up, unpainted bits of wood will start to show as the wood shrinks slightly.  John installed the track light over the soon to be desk area and that will also provide light to the stairs between the two rooms.  It's hard to see but the recessed lights in the other room are also in and working.

HOT, HOT, HOT!  In the 90's here today so it's a wonder anything got done.  Trust you're cool wherever you are. 


  1. Could you do a wash w/ muriatic acid?

  2. HOT here in Missouri, going to be near a 100. Like the lightning. Sorry about having to start over on the floor.
