Thursday, October 11, 2012

Home again, off again...

While we're home at the moment, be forewarned there won't be another post until Monday.  And, for the person "out west", I'll try to post some photos then of our beautiful fall foliage.

P1 - We reached the peak on the big window wall even though I had to climb a ladder to help.  My brain said "would you rather be scared of a little height or go through a winter without siding?"  The siding won.  Also started work on the "old house" wall.  Ladders are one thing.  Standing on roofs quite another.  I did the cutting firmly on the ground and John did the nailing above the roof.  Please note the angle over the roof as well as the angle on the other end of siding that went under the eaves.  Miracle of miracles it actually worked out so the siding came out as it needed to next to the window upstairs.  I forgot to take a picture of that section finished today.

P2 - If you look very close on the roof, you'll see John putting in the last bit of siding "up there".

P3 - Also started the siding on the short wall and to the left of the back door.  Our first frost is predicted for tomorrow night.  After that I'm counting on a full 2 weeks of Indian Summer to wrap up the outside.

1 comment:

  1. I think you really don't go anywhere but say you do just trying to impress us w/ how much you get done in a day.
