Thursday, May 22, 2014

Visione sfocota

Off off and wait a while longer was us last night in Newark. Everyone was on the plane and ready to go except the pilot who didn't show. Luckily they located a "sub" so with only a two plus hour delay we headed east and landed in Milan at 10:30 a.m. very "visione sfocato" (blurry eyed I hope that means). Only Cousin John had an excuse. Somewhere over the Atlantic in the middle of the sleepless night, he turned 75. To celebrate we all groaned, shifted positions for the zillionth time, and began to question our wisdom in saving a few bucks and flying economy.

Our rental car is an Alfa Romeo Guiletta with a standard 6 gear transmission. It holds our luggage but just barely so Judy and I will need to make wise purchases. We missed Joe (he took us to the airport) and his driving skills especially after circling the Milan airport a couple of times trying to find our way out before heading into Milan traffic, much like Newark. Early afternoon we finally found ourselves on the beautiful road skirting Lake Garda. It's not for the faint of heart. It's narrow and winding and goes through countless tunnels. Old hotels and olive trees and lemon trees are everywhere. Think "Enchanted April" (the movie) or the Amalfie Coast without the single lane blind curves.

And just for Pat P. who wished us good fortune, comfortable beds and paved roads... The road to our first two nights' lodging (you can see the road behind John who's sitting on our private balcony) is dirt. However we can hear John & Judy (their balcony & bedroom adjoins ours) snoring away enjoying a power nap on a most comfortable bed before our hosts serve us dinner.


  1. John looks positively baronial on his balcony. I hope dinner is as good as the view.
