Saturday, August 29, 2015


"Ist dad nicht ein schnitzelbank?" And you reply... "Ja das ist ein schnitzelbank".
The tourist info for the Bavarian Inn in the very touristy town of Frankenmuth, Michigan, said "Join us for the singing of the Schnitzelbank song every night." With two Johns of German heritage in the car, was there any question as to where we'd go for the evening? Especially after John G had tried (with questionable results) last summer to teach the song to a gathering of family and friends. Let's just say the group last summer could have used a lot more practice, a lot more beer for the audience and maybe a touch less for the conductor. With that experience behind us, we were very much looking forward to tonight's sing along. Unfortunately it was not to be as the lounge was closed for a wedding reception (of all the nerve!) John G. tried to be consoled with a Frankenmuth beer and a stack of "Schnitzelbank" napkins to take home. A warning to the Thanksgiving crowd - don't be surprised if Schnitzelbank resurfaces once again.

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