Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The pickers...

Pensacola - one would have thought that as many times as we've visited Joe we would have seen most everything in the area. Not so. Fort Pickens awaited us just across the bay with the "whitest sand beaches in the world". It is part of the Gulf Islands National Seashore so "we're" not protecting it, rather than the other way around. The fort took 5 years to build and is made mostly of handmade bricks (2.5 million of them) with a little granite from NY and some rocks from Maine. The part of its history we'd like to forget is it was built with slave labor. However, the people who built created many beautiful, graceful arches and vaulted ceilings that have withstood the elements for almost 200 years now. The canon the guys are standing next to was never used. And no wonder. The canon balls weighed 3 to 4
hundred pounds each. (Somehow I doubt the guys in the photo could never have loaded it, yet alone gotten those balls up the stairs. I did have another photo of the guys by the entrance in their "picker mode" but decided it was "inappropriate". Your imagination can wander if it must...)

For years Terry had heard from friends about the Flora-Bama bar that sits right on the border of, can you guess? A field trip was in order. As you can see the experience is totally transforming. You folks in Syracuse will definitely NOT recognize Terry when he returns. Tomorrow we part company and John & I are heading west towards Texas...

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