Sunday, September 2, 2012

A room with a view...

P1 - At last!  Photos of something different. (Weren't you all getting a little tired of looking at the same old, same old?)  P1 is of the upstairs bedrooms betterly (Google tells me that's not a word.  What do they know?) known as the Adirondack room.  The view from that room had to get a bit smaller because of the new room downstairs.  Up until today, that room has had to make do with a construction tarp (not too inviting for guests).  Oh, yes.  That's Bruce on the inside.
P2 - John on the outside.
P3 - Bertha inspecting during coffee break.
P4 - Bruce securing the new window from the inside.
P5 - John doing the same from the outside.
P6 - Recognize that?  Just thought I'd toss in a photo to show folks other than us have projects.  Bruce has been replacing the mantels over the windows in their beautiful old barn & is doing a great job.  And, in case you're thinking that's a bluebird house, it's not.  That's a kestrel house where a pair of kestrels raised their family this year.

1 comment:

  1. Do Bertha et al know that Bruce is harboring kestrels? Wonderful but risky.
