Friday, September 11, 2015


Because of the beautiful photos Bridge sends of the mushrooms he finds in the forests west of Seattle,  I wanted to join him on a forage. I did warn him I seem to bring bad luck on these adventures as no one seems to find any when I'm with them. Even so, we all hopped a ferry this morning to go hunting in the rain forest. The trail was absolutely beautiful...
And the trees magnificent, even this 14 ft. in diameter cedar that had fallen many years ago.
The one part of the trail Bridge failed to mention to Uncle John was the suspension bridge.
You'll be happy to know that with a little coaxing and handholding they both made it safely across. As far as mushrooms? That basket of John's stayed empty and my track record of not finding any remains unchanged.
Trivia from yesterday... The Boeing plant in Everett, Washington.
Trivia for today... The Washington State ferries on Puget Sound are considered part of their highway system. How many ferries does it run? 12? 19? 24?


  1. Very clever of you to replace the clothesline quest w/ one for suspension bridges!

    1. It's a pretty sad commentary on N. America that very few clothes lines have been spotted. I can assure you, however, JG would be a much happier boy hanging laundry!
