Friday, September 4, 2015

Still dependable...

Okay folks. What do you know about Spokane? Ever heard of Bing Crosby? He grew up here so of course no visit would be complete without visiting the home where he grew up. Gonzaga U. owns the house and the bottom floor houses many of his awards and gold records including the platinum record for "White Christmas". That was the most popular record ever recorded and I should have made it your trivia question of the day. Instead I'll ask, what guy do you know was patted on the head when he was a small boy by Bing at the Little Dutch Garden in Boise?

Spokane also has Manito Park given to the city in 1904 and home to some of the most beautiful gardens I've seen. It's a real gem and something that's not mentioned much in the guidebooks.

But the real reason for our stop in Spokane was for John K. to visit a couple of buddies he was stationed with in the Air Force in the 60s. They all worked on planes. John K. on engines; Dee (right) on sheet metal; Tom (left) on inspection. They all have an insatiable interest in cars, car racing, old cars, sports cars, car engines, cars, cars, etc. (Don't ever let anyone try to tell you that women talk too much!) And, of course they're all champions and dependable with several sparks still left in them.

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