Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Just pointing out...

Sarah commented yesterday she's missing seeing photos of Uncle John pointing at things. He wants me to "point out" he's been busy making new friends...
His friends were getting a bit testy as the sun was starting to appear and they didn't want to turn to stone so we parted ways. Anyway, today was John's day to go whale watching.
Hence the foul weather suit. John's pointing at the boat he would have preferred to go on but as John's luck would have it, there was no wind. (Sound familiar anyone?) He went instead on an all electric boat about that size. (Thanks John B for the tip.)
I, on the other hand, trotted off to spend the afternoon in the museum where there was lots to learn because the information was in English as well as Icelantic. On the top of my list is how all the old farms in the middle of nowhere got electricity.
The answer is they all back up to waterfalls and began installing micro hydro systems in the early 1900's. The water also gave them running water and, if they were "lucky" enough to live near volcanic activity, they also had all the hot water they needed. The lady we're staying with for a couple of days grew up on one of these farms. Her parents farm has the remains of a very old crater. There were 11 kids so the parents have given them all lots backing up to the inside of the crater. (The crater is completely open/worn away for about a third of its circumference.) Most of "the kids", now with grandkids of their own, have built vacation homes there. She had an aerial shot. Quite impressive!
And, for you Fred, this is John wishing he did have a bottle of gin. Once again I think his thrifty German heritage might be to blame since he thought the gin at the duty free store was much too expensive, so gave it a pass. Then he found out a draft beer in a glass was $12. Is there some reason he seems to be loosing weight?

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