Thursday, April 26, 2012

No need for a stair master here...

P1 - While John & Brian prepare to raise the ridge beam (the center board that goes between the rafters at the top), Gus, the cat does a last minute inspection.  He's become quite the pro going up, and down, all the ladders.

P2 - Rain was predicted started early in the afternoon so none of us expected to work after lunch.  However, it held off and the guys were able to get up several rafters over the main room.  (They put up most of the rafters over the sunroom in the morning.)  The ladder to the far left?  I gather that's the stairway to the stars...

PS - We had that beautiful mushroom from yesterday with this morning's scrambled eggs.  It tasted as good as it looked!

1 comment:

  1. We are so impressed with the speed of this project! You all make it look so easy...
