Thursday, March 8, 2012

An update...

Work continues -
1 - The surgical team doing revitalization work on some rusty old poles that will hold up our homeowner's fence.
2 - View from under the carport. The metal roofing has yet to arrive but, with the wind the last few days, perhaps that's a lucky thing.
3 - View from the other side of soffit work. This was a real labor of love since the temp decided to drop from the mid 70's to about 50 in a couple of hours helped along by that good old Texas wind.
4 - The inside (as if you couldn't see that).

Midday we were invited to The Commercial Bank in town, not a bad thing to do on International Women's Day. This bank was the first started by a woman and the president is still a woman. She did have a bit of a problem yesterday. Someone who had imbibed a bit too much (not an easy thing to do in this "dry" town) tried to drive his pickup through the president's office just after she left for lunch. (If you'd like to try to comment on that one I changed the settings to see if some of you have better luck.)
PS - We were at the bank to see some of the best examples of flint spears ever found (they keep them in the vault) and to see Gene Zesch's folk art. The bank houses many of his originals and many of his bronzes (I couldn't pick out the wood ones from the bronze ones.)

1 comment:

  1. He TRIED to drive into her office? Not a good way to get a gal's attention!
